RV Checklist: Don't leave home without these 10 RV essentials.

Trust me when I say a comprehensive RV checklist is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable journey. A few items were on the list we didn't initially have with us when we embarked on our RV adventure.

Unfortunately, we learned the hard way when we left home without some of the essential items, and it put a damper on our trip. That's why I can't stress enough the importance of having a well-prepared RV checklist. Don't make the same mistake we did - make sure you have these 10 RV essentials before you hit the road.

RV travel Checklist:

  1. Tire Pressure Monitors: This is a HUGE deal. We have had many issues with our tires while on the road. We've always had the monitors, and I don't want to think about what could have happened if we didn't know we were losing pressure while towing. It's terrifying to think about it, so I urge you to get tire pressure monitors for your vehicle and what you're pulling. You can read more about the TPMS we have HERE.

  2. Generator (unless you have on onboard) We were at a campground in California where they had an electrical issue and had to shut down the power. Those with generators were welcome to stay and run them, and those who didn't end up leaving. We also do a lot of Boondocking, but we make sure to research the area and to always be mindful of our neighbors and the noise before running it.

  3. Air compressor-I can't stress how important it is to make sure if you have a tire issue, you can fix it on your own instead of being stuck and needing a tow. We haven't had to use this yet, but we wished we had it the day our pressure was alerting us, and we ended up being stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow. Lesson Learned, and now we travel with one.

  4. Gas discount cards-We had no idea how much the price of gas would go up as we traveled to California from Florida this spring. It had more than doubled and sometimes tripled even in specific areas compared to our previous travels. We don't leave home without discount cards/apps and always plan each stop. HERE is a link to the discount cards and programs we use

  5. Quality Sway Bars-We had to upgrade when we left Florida, and wow, what a difference these made. We switched to Equal-i-zer 4-point Sway Control Hitch, 90-00-1069, 10,000 Lbs Trailer Weight Rating, 1,000 Lbs Tongue Weight Rating, Weight Distribution Kit on amazon, and they're well worth the investment.

  6. Internet Booster or Starlink-Right now, we have a booster from T-mobile, and the problem is, you can't boost a signal you don't have. Since we don't work from home, we deal with not having internet from time to time. We want a more reliable connection, so we're currently looking into Starlink.

  7. Roadtrippers RV Route Trip Planner-We use the Roadtrippers Plus app to plan our travels. We would be lost, literally, without this handy tool. I love that you can plan your route, add places you'd like to visit along the way, and even get an idea of what gas will cost for the trip. Towing Membership

  8. Bottle Jack-If you end up having a blowout, and you have to change one of your tires, you're going to need one of these. It would be best if you had at least an 8-ton, and we got one from Pro-Lift, on amazon.

  9. Extra Fuel-As much as it pains to admit, we ran out of gas once. We don't know how it happened because our gas light hadn't even come on yet, and we were waiting at a light on a busy highway exit off an interstate in St. Louis. We could see the gas station in the distance, and luckily we had some Diesel Fuel in our emergency can. It was a scary few minutes being stuck like that, and we were so glad that we had the gas and could get back on the road and to the nearby station.

  10. Emergency Roadside Kit-An emergency roadside kit is an essential item for all RVers. It should include jumper cables, a flashlight, a first aid kit, an emergency blanket, basic tools, reflective triangles or flares, and any specific items needed for your RV, such as spare fuses or belts. It is important to customize your kit to fit your particular needs and the type of travel you'll be doing.

 RV Checklist: Don't leave home without these 10 RV essentials.

We hope you find this RV Checklist helpful and wish you safe travels on the road!

Caitlin and Garret