Our Favorite RV TAnk Cleaner

 If you're an RV owner, you have probably googled or YouTubed the best way to keep your gray/black water tanks healthy and clean. Well, we are here to tell you, so have we, as they can accumulate build up over time, causing them to become dirty, start to smell, and sometimes even clog. No one wants a smelly, clogged-up RV, and neither do we.

Hot climates can even worsen this; being from Florida, we experience this regularly. So, after countless hours of searching and reading, we came across the Unique camping + marine line of products. We are always skeptical of products that say they "eliminate RV toilet odors" because most times, honestly, they don't!

We always give the product the benefit of the doubt, thinking that those who left reviews may be biased or misuse the product. In this instance, the great reviews we read were spot on! We got the holding tank treatment liquid, holding tank treatment pods, and the RV toilet bowl cleaner. We couldn't be happier! I'm sure there are others out there that would agree.

We started by using the holding tank treatment pods in the sink, yes, the sink. This product is safe and even passes the high standards used in California! We also like how affordable it is, considering how much we've paid for others that didn't work as well.

Caitlin loves the toilet bowl cleaner and says it will be a staple now in our RV.

Happy Camping, everyone!

unique rv tank cleaner

Picture courtesy of unique camping marine and supply